
[原创] 由F-22停产所想到的另一些东西——告诉你一个真实的F-22

  • mali19850105 金币 +4 回复认真,鼓励! 2009-7-25 09:43


别的不说 飞机和老美比那不是一点半点差距  整整差乐代



“UAE funded the entire $3 billion Block 60 development costs, and in exchange will receive royalties if any of the Block 60 aircraft are sold to other nations. A press report stated that this is "the first time the US has sold a better aircraft[F-16] overseas than its own forces fly".

资料来源:Dubai 2007: UAE shows off its most advanced Falcons". FlightGlobal.com, 11 November 2007.


此外,专门查了一下F16 海湾战争空战历史:

Interwar Air Operations over Iraq (1991-2003)

Main articles: Northern Watch, Southern Watch, and Operation Desert Fox

From the end of Desert Storm until the invasion of Iraq in 2003, USAF F-16s patrolled the Iraqi no-fly zones. Two air-to-air victories were scored by USAF F-16s in Operation Southern Watch.

^ Anon. "Aerial Victory Credits." Air Force Historical Research Agency. Retrieved: 16 May 2008.

On 27 December 1992, a USAF F-16D shot down an Iraqi MiG-25 in UN-restricted airspace over southern Iraq with an AIM-120 AMRAAM; this was the first USAF F-16 kill since the F-16 was introduced; and was also the first AMRAAM kill.

On 17 January 1993, a USAF F-16C destroyed an Iraqi MiG-23 with an AMRAAM missile for the second USAF F-16 victory.

Anon. "F-16 Aircraft Database: F-16 Airframe Details for 86-0262". F-16.net. Retrieved: 16 May 2008.

我没有找到这两个飞行员被军事法庭的报道。 暂定为你说的F16击落敌机被审判无效


关于F22 维修的问题。


In January 2007, it was reported that the F-22 maintained a 97% sortie rate (flying 102 out of 105 tasked sorties).   -- 不错。

Lt. Col. Wade Tolliver, the squadron commander of the 27th FS from Langley AFB commented on the upkeep and reliability of the Raptor's RAM during simulated combat conditions, stating "the stealth coatings are not as fragile as they were in earlier stealth aircraft. It isn't damaged by a rain storm and it can stand the wear and tear of combat without degradation." -- 这句话充分说明,以前的隐形机如B2,F117,一场暴雨都能导致其隐形涂层脱落。。。 F22 还好点, 不过也强的有限。

However, the Washington Post reported the aircraft skin is vulnerable to rain and abrasion, which partly accounts for the average flight time of 1.7 hours before critical failure.

-- 如果在雨中飞1。7个小时,那么飞机的隐形土层就会受到致命伤害。

In July 2009, the Air Force reported that the F-22 requires more than 30 hours of maintenance for every flight hour, at a cost of $44,000. The Office of the Secretary of Defense puts that figure at 34 hours of maintenance per single hour of flight at a cost of $49,808 per hour of flight.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp ... 09070903020_pf.html

--我前面说过,每飞1小时, F22就要维护30小时还是少的, 事实上国防部说的是34小时。。。

The aircraft's radar-absorbing metallic skin is the principal cause of its maintenance troubles, with skin repairs accounting for more than half of the maintenance。 Another source of maintenance problems is that many components require custom hand-fitting and are not interchangeable. The canopy visibility has declined more rapidly than expected, with refurbishments at 331 flight hours, on average, instead of the required 800 hours. Pentagon officials respond that measuring hourly flying costs for aircraft fleets that have not reached 100,000 flying hours is premature. They say improvements have been made since 2008, and the F-22s are on track to meet key performance parameters by 2010。

Air Force Magazine reported that the Washington Post article's 55% capable rate was incorrect and that mission capable rates have been climbing, and by late June stood at 62.9%. And the Air Force Association states that the current mission capable rate is 70%

就是这么维护和保养,空军也承认,现在能飞的F22 不过全部的70%而已。

[ 本帖最后由 oskarlre 于 2009-7-24 21:20 编辑 ]




原帖由 oskarlre 于 2009-7-24 20:58 发表

“UAE funded the entire $3 billion Block 60 development costs, and in exchange will receive royalties if any of the Block 60 aircraft are sold to other nations. A press r ...
你该不会不知道F-16E/F是酋长国投资开发的吧 ,你这新闻说的就是他投入的开发费(明明白白写着development costs啊),而不是造价。

[ 本帖最后由 jx4177 于 2009-7-24 21:23 编辑 ]


原帖由 oskarlre 于 2009-7-24 21:04 发表
此外,专门查了一下F16 海湾战争空战历史:

Interwar Air Operations over Iraq (1991-2003)

Main articles: Northern Watch, Southern Watch, and Operation Desert Fox

From the end of Desert Storm unt ...


原帖由 oskarlre 于 2009-7-24 21:14 发表
In July 2009, the Air Force reported that the F-22 requires more than 30 hours of maintenance for every flight hour, at a cost of $44,000. The Office of the Secretary of Defense puts that figure at 34 hours of maintenance per single hour of flight at a cost of $49,808 per hour of flight.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp ... 09070903020_pf.html

--我前面说过,每飞1小时, F22就要维护30小时还是少的, 事实上国防部说的是34小时。。。


原帖由 oskarlre 于 2009-7-24 21:14 发表
Air Force Magazine reported that the Washington Post article's 55% capable rate was incorrect and that mission capable rates have been climbing, and by late June stood at 62.9%. And the Air Force Association states that the current mission capable rate is 70%

就是这么维护和保养,空军也承认,现在能飞的F22 不过全部的70%而已。


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