
[转帖] AV女优集合[28P]



出生日期: 1978年5月21日
Hometown: MUNICH, Germany.出生地:德国慕尼黑举行。
Measurements: 34DD-27-30测量: 34DD - 27 - 30
Height: 5ft 10in身高: 5英尺10in
Weight: 114 lbs重量: 114磅
Eye color: Blue眼睛颜色:蓝色
Hair color: Blonde头发颜色:金发
Natural bust: No天然胸部:否
Ethnicity: German种族:德国

I had never even thought about porno, but I loved it.我从来没有想到甚至色情,但我喜欢它。 I guess I was sexually repressed.我想我是性压抑。 I got my sex education on film, including my first orgasm, so my fans have watched me grow from a girl to a woman and I feel I have a very special relationship with them.我获得的性教育电影,包括我的第一次高潮,所以我的球迷们看着我长大的女孩向一个女人,我觉得我有一个非常特殊的关系。 Once into it, I decided I might as well do the best I could.一旦到了,我决定我还不如做最好的我可以。 Before long I got signed by Vivid, which is the pinnacle for anyone interested in erotic acting.不久以后,我签署了生动,这是巅峰为有兴趣的人士色情代理。

When my adult acting career is over, I want to go behind the scenes to start my own line of adult movies, work on my Website and return to college full-time.当我成年的演艺生涯已经结束,我要在幕后开始我自己的成人电影,工作在我的网站上,并返回学院全日制。 Meanwhile, I work out every day, pay special attention to boxing and weight lifting routine I have developed.同时,我每天的工作,特别注意拳击和举重例行我有发展。 I also indulge in my favorite sports – motocross racing and snowboarding.我还沉迷于我最喜欢的运动-摩托车赛车和滑雪板。 Sims Snowboards will introduce two Briana Banks boards with images of me clothed and nude in its Fader line this fall (:冼Snowboards则将推出两个Briana银行董事会与图像箱衣服和裸体在其推子行今年秋季( :

My mother is German and father is Italian, I lived in Germany and England until I was seven, when my mother moved to California.我的母亲是德国和父亲是意大利人,我住在德国和英格兰,直到我七岁时,我的母亲移居加州。 In high school I was a studious, shy, kid who played volleyball and ran track (I still holds the school record for the mile at Royal High).在高中我是一个勤奋好学,害羞,孩子谁打排球和运行轨道(我仍然认为,学校的纪录,在皇家英里高) 。 I rarely dated and didn’t even kiss a boy until I was 17.月和我很少甚至没有吻一个男孩,直到我17岁。 As a teenager I was awarded custody of my younger sister and held down jobs as a waitress and fashion model to pay for rent and groceries.作为一个十几岁,我判给保管我妹妹并举行了工作,一名女服务员和时装模特支付的租金和食品杂货。 I got into the adult business when I was 19.我到成年业务当我19 。

I always thought of myself as a skinny, dorky, giraffe looking kid.我一直认为自己是一个瘦弱,愚蠢,长颈鹿寻找孩子。 Even though I had made the cover of Teen magazine as a model, I wasn’t making any money.虽然我已作出青少年杂志封面上的一个典范,我没有作出任何钱。 The day I quit my insurance job I got in a car accident and didn’t even have enough cash to move my sister and me into an apartment from the room we’d been renting, so I answered an ad in LA Weekly that said I could make up to $1,000 a day modeling.这一天我现在保险工作我在一次车祸中和甚至没有足够的现金将我的妹妹和我进公寓的房间我们已出租,所以我回答的广告在洛杉矶周刊说我可以高达每天1000美元建模。 And since then, my life has never been better (:自此以后,我的生活从来没有更好的

Brea-Bennett.com 瑞阿- Bennett.com
DOB: February 7th 1987出生日期: 1987年2月7日
Hometown: MESA, AZ.出生地:梅萨阿尔克马尔。
Measurements: 32B-22-32测量: 32B条- 22 - 32
Height: 5ft 5in身高:五英尺5英寸
Weight: 105 lbs重量:一百〇五英镑
Eye color: Green眼睛颜色:绿色
Hair color: Blonde头发颜色:金发
Natural bust: Yes天然胸部:有
Ethnicity: American种族:美国
I guess you could call me a dreamer.我想你可以打电话给我一个梦想家。 Since I was a little girl I wanted to be the biggest star in the world.因为我是一个小女孩我想成为最大的明星之一。 I used to walk up to people in the grocery store, at age three, and start to sing to them.我曾经走过的人,杂货店, 3岁,并开始唱歌,给他们。 In grade school I was in all the plays.在小学,我在所有的发挥。 Once Jr High hit, there in started the competition.一旦小高点,在那里开始了竞争。 I had to be the best at what ever I did; I wanted to be the competition!!我是最好的都在我没有什么,我想成为竞争! So, I worked harder and harder at my singing and by the end of High School I was given the award for best singer.所以,我的工作难以在我的歌声和年底的高中我得到的奖最佳歌手。 I also recorded a CD and performed almost nightly at local coffee shops in the valley.我还录CD和几乎每晚在当地咖啡馆在山谷中。 People ask me why did I become an adult star when I could have just became a musician?有人问我我为什么没有成为成人明星当我可能只是成为音乐家? My answer to that is, Why not do both?我的答案是,为什么不能两者都做?

Some may think that's unrealistic, but I have made my dreams come true to this point.有些人可能认为这是不现实的,但我有我的梦想成真了这一点。 I choose not to limit myself to anything.我选择不只谈什么。 Some have told me, "You'll never be taken seriously in this business."有些人告诉我, “你永远也不会认真考虑在这一业务。 ” Well, It is a business, and I treat it like that.嗯,这是一个业务,我把它这样。 Ever since I was little, no one could stand in my way; That sure as hell isn't going to stop now.自从我很少,没有人可以站在我的方式,这肯定是地狱不会立即停止。 When I have a goal, I am completely determined to fulfill it.当我有一个目标,我完全决心履行它。 I am totally grateful to have Club Jenna in my life and by my side at such an early age/start in my career.我完全感谢俱乐部珍娜已经在我的生活和我的一方在如此早的年龄/开始在我的职业生涯。 I got into the industry with the hope of becoming one of Jenna's girls. I knew I could do it; eventually.我的行业,希望成为珍娜的女孩。我知道我能做到这一点;最终。 The thing is I didn't realize that It would happen as fast as it did.关键是我没有认识到,这种事情会发生像现在这么快了。 When I was cast for Playboy TVs "Jenna's American Sex Star", I said to myself "OK Brea, this is your chance, don't fuck it up!"当我还是投给花花公子电视“珍娜的美国性星” ,我对自己说“确定瑞阿,这是你的机会,不要他妈的它了! ”

I swear, I have never been so damn stressed in my whole life.我发誓,我从来没有这样该死中强调了我的整个生活。 To be honest, I wasn't stressed about whether or not Jenna liked me.老实说,我并不强调是否不喜欢我珍娜。 She had already voiced who her favorite was.她已经表示,她最喜欢的是谁。 The frigging voting is what stressed me out.投票的frigging就是强调我出去。 Plus, waiting for like two months for the results didn't help much either.另外,等待像两个月的结果并没有帮助也很大。 I felt like I was the only one taking this contest seriously and what worried me was someone winning who really didn't give a rats ass whether or not she continued on her path of Gonzo-mania or could potentially win a contract that would completely change their life.我觉得我是唯一一个认真考虑这一竞赛什么担心我是谁真正赢得别人没有给出大鼠屁股与否她继续她的道路贡扎狂热或可能赢得合同,将彻底改变他们的生活。 Thank God I won!感谢上帝,我赢了! After the night I won, I felt completely relieved; Like, now my life can begin.入夜之后,我赢了,我觉得完全缓解;一样,现在我的生活就可以开始。 Now, It's my turn to rock your world.现在,轮到我给你带来无尽的震憾。 And because of Jenna and Playboy, I was totally fortunate to have skipped all the chaos and politics in the Business.而且由于珍娜和花花公子,我完全是幸运地跳过所有的混乱和政治中的业务。 So, In Jenna's own words "Here's Brea Bennett Bitches!"因此,在珍娜自己的话“在这里的瑞阿贝内特狗娘养! ”

ClubAshton.com ClubAshton.com
DOB: March 31st 1976出生日期: 1976年3月31日
Hometown: NEWPORT BEACH, CA.出生地:新港海滩的CA 。
Measurements: 36D-24-35测量: 36D - 24 - 35
Height: 5ft 3in身高:五英尺3in
Weight: 112 lbs重量: 112磅
Eye color: Green眼睛颜色:绿色
Hair color: Blonde头发颜色:金发
Natural bust: No天然胸部:否
Ethnicity: American种族:美国
Ashton, who grew up in Arizona, was first discovered professionally in a Hot Body International pay-per-view special in 1997.阿什顿,谁长大,在亚利桑那州,首次发现在炎热的专业机构国际按次特别在1997年。 After the filming, an agent approached her and introduced her to legendary adult photographer Suze Randall.在拍摄,她的代理人,并介绍了她以传奇成人摄影叙兹兰德尔。 Randall shot Moore extensively landing the fresh faced 22 year old in numerous adult magazines including Penthouse, Club, and High Society.兰德尔枪杀摩尔广泛降落新鲜面临22岁的在众多成人杂志包括阁楼,俱乐部和上流社会。 Her agent then mentioned the idea of adult films whereas Moore agreed and was immediately signed to a video contract with Ultimate Pictures/Adam and Eve.她的经纪人随后提到的想法,成人电影,而摩尔表示同意,并立即签署了一份合同,终极视频图片/亚当和夏娃。 After performing and starring in five features (most notably the high budgeted, AVN award winning Search for the Snow Leopard) Moore stepped away from the adult industry.表演后并主演五个功能(最明显的高预算,结获奖搜索雪豹)摩尔加强远离成人产业。 “It just came at me so fast,” recalls Moore, “I needed time to step back and reevaluate my life.” “这只是我这么快, ”回顾摩尔说: “我需要时间来重新评估后退一步,我的生活。 ”

After spending nearly three years away from Porn Valley, Moore was peacefully back in Arizona.经过近三年来远离色情谷,摩尔是在美国亚利桑那州和平回。 She was finishing up college and bartending at a local Scottsdale hotspot when Jenna Jameson and Jill Kelly, adult film superstar and Jill Kelly Productions President, happened upon her bar.她完成了大学和调酒在当地Scottsdale的热点时,珍娜詹姆森和吉尔凯利,成人电影超级巨星和吉尔凯利演出总统,发生在她的酒吧。 Ironically, this came at a time when Moore was contemplating starting her own personal website.讽刺的是,这是在这个时候开始摩尔正在考虑自己的个人网站。 Less than a month later, Ashton was back in the adult industry as an all girl contract star for JKP.不到一个月后,阿什顿是在成人产业作为一个所有女孩合同星JKP 。 ClubJenna also took up control of Moore’s Official Website (www.ashtonmoore.com). ClubJenna还讨论了控制摩尔的官方网站( www.ashtonmoore.com ) 。

Over the next three years Ashton performed girl only scenes in over 75 adult movies for JKP and began a successful run as a feature dancer.在未来三年内完成的阿什顿的女孩只有75岁以上场景中的JKP成人电影,并开始成功运行的一个特点舞蹈演员。 Moore credits Jill Kelly for allowing her to make a comeback into the adult film business under her own terms of doing only what she was comfortable with.摩尔学分小杰凯利让她东山再起的成人电影公司根据自己的条件做什么,她只感到满意。 “Jill was very good to me when I reentered the business,” Ashton noted. “吉尔是非常好的,给我当我重新进入商界, ”阿什顿指出。 “She allowed me to work as a girl/girl only performer and never pressured me to do anything I was unsure of. “她让我作为一个女孩/女孩只是表演和施加压力,我从来没有做任何事情,我不清楚。 In addition, she helped me in launching my feature dancing career.”此外,她还帮我在我的功能推出舞蹈生涯。 “

After departing JKP in early January of 2005 visualized one more giant step for her career and pursued a video contract with ClubJenna.在离开JKP在2005年1月初的一个可视化大步为她的职业生涯,并采取了视频合同ClubJenna 。 “Everyone at ClubJenna has always been so nice and professional towards me while managing my website and I know that they are producing award winning feature movies. “每个人都在ClubJenna一直太好和专业管理的同时对我自己的网站,我知道他们是生产功能的电影获奖。 Plus I will also get an opportunity to pursue some mainstream work as well which truly interests me.另外我也将有机会寻求一些主流的工作以及我的真正利益。 All of these were deciding factors in why I chose to sign with them.” Moore added, “I think my best performing abilities have yet to be seen, however, now that my relationship with ClubJenna has made a complete circle I believe that the best of everything I have to offer to this business will soon be showcased.”所有这些因素都决定在我为什么选择与他们签约。 “摩尔说: ”我认为我最好的表演能力还有待观察,但是,现在,我的关系ClubJenna了一个完整的圆圈,我相信,最好的一切我提供的这项业务将很快展示。 “

KrystalSteal.com KrystalSteal.com
DOB: November 29th 1982出生日期: 1982年11月29号
Hometown: ORANGE Co., CA.出生地:橙色有限公司的CA 。
Measurements: 34D-24-34测量: 34D - 24 - 34
Height: 5ft 5in身高:五英尺5英寸
Weight: 105 lbs重量:一百〇五英镑
Eye color: Hazel眼睛颜色:黑兹尔
Hair color: Blonde头发颜色:金发
Natural bust: No天然胸部:否
Ethnicity: Dutch, Irish, Scottish种族:荷兰,爱尔兰,苏格兰
I was born in orange county, CA on November 29, 1982.我出生在奥兰治县,加州11月29日, 1982年。 I was a pretty good little girl until I hit junior high. It was then that I started having issues with authority, I loved getting into mischief.我是一个相当不错的小女孩,直到我打初中。当时,我就开始有问题的权威,我喜欢进入作怪。 Thankfully I found a way to be naughty and sexy at the same time!幸好我发现了一个方法是顽皮和性感在同一时间! I started dancing with a fake ID when I was 17, and began doing porn when I was 18.我开始一起跳舞,一个假身份证时,我是17 ,并开始从事色情当我18岁。 Contrary to what most critics in the industry believe I actually come from stable, loving parents, who support me in every way.相反,大多数批评业内人士认为实际上我来自稳定,爱父母,谁支持我的一切。 I'm just a VERY sexual girl!我只是一个非常性的姑娘!

The industry is fun and exciting much of the time, but can be really stressful, both mentally and physically. It's been a wild ride so far, I've met a lot of interesting people and seen many cool places across the United States.该行业是有趣和令人兴奋的大部分时间,但可以真正的压力,无论精神和身体。这是一个野生该机到目前为止,我已经遇到了很多有趣的人,看到许多很酷的地方穿越美国。 I'm always awaiting the next adventure!我总是在等待下一个冒险! I see myself doing this for another 5 years strong because performing is what I love to do.我把自己这样做的另一个强有力的,因为5年的表演是我很喜欢做的事。 If my body holds up I definitely have 10 to 15 more years of dancing and modeling.如果我的身体容纳我肯定有10至15多岁的舞蹈和建模。 After my film career I'm not sure what I want to get into yet, (Remember I just turned 20) but I love animals and I could go for some extra schooling.我的电影生涯后,我不知道我想进入然而, (记得我刚满20 ) ,但我喜欢动物,我能去的一些额外的教育。 I'm curious about getting behind the scenes too!我很好奇越来越幕后呢!

Well, I hope this bio helps all my fans get to know me a little better, thanks for all the support!好吧,我希望这有助于我的所有生物的球迷了解我的好一点,感谢所有支持! So keep watching me every chance you get, and I'll be in your dreams!因此,继续看我的机会,你,我将在您的梦想


[ 本帖最后由 到处日 于 2008-12-30 10:04 编辑 ]










看过很多的片子,这个女人民,拍过A 片吗










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