Aston Martin,我喜欢,就是喜欢它那进气栅格和尾翼。这应该是概念车吧,在中国是看不到了,只能看看图片欣赏下了 作者: cg781 时间: 2009-1-13 22:47
上面的数据都是布加迪威龙的。这款车的应该还没有公布吧? 作者: sato 时间: 2009-1-13 23:04
i think this is still a concept car. Expecting performances to be stated is still too early to confirm.
Undoubtedly it looks cool and muscular but that prices at this time, i wonder if the rich will hold and see 作者: cllim99 时间: 2009-1-13 23:13