1. Patch a radiator hose(修暖气软管)
2. Protect your computer(保护你的电脑)
3. Rescue a boater who has capsized(营救翻船者)
4. Frame a wall(搭墙)
5. Retouch digital photos(润饰数码相片)
6. Back up a trailer(倒拖车)
7. Build a campfire(生篝火)
8. Fix a dead outlet(修插座)
9. Navigate with a map and compass(用地图和指南针找路)
10. Use a torque wrench(使用转矩扳手)
11. Sharpen a knife(磨刀)
12. Perform CPR(做心肺复苏急救)
13. Fillet a fish(剔鱼(外国人做鱼一般都把骨头先剔掉的。中国男人的话,大概得改成剐鱼鳞,去肚肠了。))
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid(操控打滑的汽车)
15. Get a car unstuck(把陷在泥里的汽车弄出来)
16. Back up data(备份数据)
17. Paint a room(刷房子)
18. Mix concrete(混水泥)
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle(清理闩锁式鸟枪)
20. Change oil and filter(换汽车的机油,过滤)
21. Hook up an HDTV(接数字电视 HDTV)
22. Bleed brakes(给刹车上油)
23. Paddle a canoe(划小船)
24. Fix a bike flat(修自行车带)
25. Extend your wireless network(延伸你的无线网)
《25 项中国男人都应该会的技能》
1、开车---Open car
2、上网---Up net
3、操作电脑---Fuck do computer
4、割肉--- cut meat in stock market
5、占座---occupy seat
6、搜索---go baidu to use google
7、修插座---Fix a dead outlet
9、破墙---break throgh GFW
10、换碟片(尤其是在冬夜里和老婆躺在床上看碟的时候)---Change DVD disk
11、用佛偷哨普---use photoshop
12、下载免费Mp3---download free Mp3 and know where to find.
13、洗澡---have a shower home but not in hotel
14、炒房---Fry apartment
15、偷电---steal electricity
16、逃税---evade taxes
17、说实话---tell the truth
18、赞美女友/老婆---to praise girlfriend/wife,or girlfriends/wives.
19、原谅---to forgive
20、戴套---be sure to wear the condom
21、赚钱---Make money
22、赚钱---Dig money
23、赚钱---Rob money
24、赚钱---Defraud money
25、赚钱---Make black money